At the Cafe! Chapter-5

                                                                  The Kiss!

It was already 3:00 am, Enaya rest her head on Jay's shoulder, and she was not willing to go to her hostel, nor Jay felt.

"You know Jay, I loved Meet from my childhood days, I came to Ahmedabad for Meet and not for any studies. I was stalking him from last 2 years, I know you would think what kind of a stalker I am,
But I loved him, I still kept that candy stick with him just hoping he would be happy that how much I care for him"

"You should tell him Enaya, that you love him"
"No he has his girlfriend, I don't want to be a hurdle in his life, I will find a one for me"
"I think you have found the one"
"Oops, where" Enaya looking here and there, laughing, pointing at the star, look Jay there is the one.

Jay drew the finger to him and said "That another one is here"

"OH Gush! I am too drunk, you are not the one"
"Then what you think what you are doing with me from last 7 hours" Jay flipping an empty wine bottle on the floor.

"Yeah, what I am doing here, look this T-shirt it has got my favorite mini" Enaya was over drunk and was behaving like a little kid.

Jay being a gentle man, tried to tam her, but she was just getting out of his control.
She run on the edge of the roof, she was shouting and she was actually all her. Jay took her to the cafe back by locking and lifting her into his arms and placed her on the sofa.

"You are leaving me Meet?"
"No" Jay knew that she is missing him, but didn't want her smile to fade away.

Jay pull the chair near the sofa, and asked her to sleep.

Enaya quickly started jumping on sofa and started signing a bollywood song. Jay pulled her, and she directly fell into his lap.
She kissed that mini on his T shirt , and reached to his lips.

" What if I kiss you" Enaya running her fingers across his face
"No, you are drunk, you need sleep"
" I will, and you won't be able to breathe"
"Please Enaya, I am not your Meet, I am Jay"
"Hahahah, what if I pack you up for my picnic date"

Jay could not resist that moment and flowed with the flow.

She kissed him so hard for the first time, making him hard to breathe,
Swirling her emotions on the edge of the couch
Letting herself free from those past memories.

-Leepi Agrawal

Stay tune for another chapter.

Happy Reading :)


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